smart home circle
Smart Home Circle



Amrut Prabhu

Hi there,

I am Amrut and if you want to get on board with learning about home automation and building smart homes then you are at the right place. I like to explore various topics in home automation and smart devices. It fascinates me what endless opportunities are there to make your home smarter every day.

Home Assistant is my main source for doing all my automation. I monitor my house with various sensors and complex automation scenarios.

I am also explore various Home Lab topics like creating my own server, NAS, etc. This also involves exploring single board computers like the Raspberry Pi, Radxa SBCs, etc, explore how they perform under load, benchmarking and power consumption.

If you want to get in touch with me or have any feedback about my writing, don't hesitate to contact me on Twitter

Follow me on Twitter to learn more about how you can make your home smarter every day.

You can contact me at : [email protected]